
Aquapromin  provides micronutrients which are useful to build up the disease resistance and immune response.It provides mineral mixtures which are easily digestible by Fishes/Shrimps.It improves digestion, absorption, leading to faster growth rate and high weight gain.It provides sufficient nutrients that support the development of plankton.It provides essential amino acids which helps in protein synthesis.

Aquapromin Composition:

Complex mixture of essential micronutrients in inert form with calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorous, Sodium and Potassium. Enriched with Amino Acids and high quality growth promoters

Aquapromin Benefits:

  • Better digestibility and disease resistance
  • Regulates osmoregulation
  • Provide quality brood stock development
  • Enriches pond water by developing plankton
  • Helps to develop immune response and defense mechanism
  • Optimizes FCR and maximizes productivity
  • Maintain pH of pond water


In Feed

Apply 5-10g of AQUAPROMIN per kg of feed

Mix 1:10 with potable water and the then mix with feed. Let it dry for 10-15 minutes and feed

In Water

Dissolve required quantity of AQUAPROMIN with pond water in a bucket

Spread directly over pond surface with aeration

During pond preparation 20 - 25 kg/ha
Plankton development 10 - 15 kg/ha
During molting 2 - 3 kg/ton of biomass
body cramping/bending 10 - 15 kg/ha
body cramping/bending 5 - 10 gm/kg of feed
one meal until cure