
It is specially designed, synergistic blend of various beneficial microorganics and enzyme as:

Beneficial Microorganism
Name and Strength
Enzyme Name and Strength
Bacillus subtills 0.5x10"cfu Protease 9000iu
Bacillus licheniformis 0.5x10"cfu Amylase 5000iu
Bacillus megaterium 0.5x10"cfu Cellulase 350iu
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 0.5x10"cfu Xylanase 150iu
Beta-glucanase 200iu

Major advantages:

  • Degrades a variety of organic waste
  • Improves the pond environment pond water and soil quality
  • Efficient and specific in action
  • Cost-effective non pathogenic and safe to handle
  • Easy applicable and storage
  • Eco-friendly and bio-degradable

Dosage and application:

Dosage and application Shrimp
Application period Dosage
One application 7 days before stocking 500gm/ha
One application on the day of stocking 500gm/ha
On application in every 7 to 10 days till end of culture 500gm/ha
Fish/other species:

Apply 500 gm/ha pond every 10 days

Recommended application procedure:

Product may be mixed thoroughly with water and immediately broadcast uniformly onto the pond water from dock or feeding boat. Early morning application advisable(before sun shine). Dosage may vary based on the prevailing pond condition or as per advice of our technical person.
