
Glyco Fraction of the extracts from Yucca schidigera plant is found to be Effective in binding the free ammonia from surrounding environment. The compound Polyhydroxy slbene, which performs the urease-inhibing Activity, is rich in the bark of Yucca schidigera. The use of Yucca schidigera extract in aqua farms has shown the excellent results towards the Reduction of the ammonia level, improving the water quality and consequently the farm producvity.

Ammoqr Benefits:

  • Inhibits enzyme Urease - Blocks the further production of ammonia.
  • Binds any preformed ammonia - Immediate relieve from the ammonia stress.
  • Neutralizes off flavor of ammonia or others - Removes the irritating odour due to ammonia.


Ammoqr contains extract of plant Yucca Schidigera, ammonia binding agents and flavoring agents.

Dosage :

Ammoqr must be applied at a rate of 1 kg / Hectare (500 g / Acre) by thoroughly mixing it with sand and sprinkling water and broadcast evenly to the entire water spread area of the pond.

Application can be repeated once in 15 days up to 90 days of culture and once in 10 days after 90 days of culture.

Ammoqr can also be given to the shrimps and fishes by coating on top of the pellet feeds with the use of a quality pellet binder at a rate of 5 - 10 gram / kg of feed in once in three days.
