
Aquaprob is a special biotechnology product, it is a blend of Gas absorbents, Enzymes and Probiotics. it reaches directly to the pond bottom for quick action. while gas absorbents do its function, probiotics slowly releases and decomposes organic waste in the pond bottom. This product is a cost effective solution to the farmer with multifunctional activities mainly focusing on improving pond bottom environment. so that prawn and fish farms doesn’t face sudden mass mortalities.

Aquaprob Benefits:

  • Comoetes with vibro for attachment sotes and avoids the colonization of vibrio species growth.
  • Helps in elimination of toxic gases i.e NH3, H2S and NO2.
  • Helps in maintaining good water quality and optimises D.O levels.
  • Helps to oxidize organic matter and release nutrients for stable plankton bloom.
  • Improves productivity and profitability.
  • Reduces usage of sanitizers.
  • Reduces BOD and COD.

Composition :

A blend of large number of probiotic encapsulation in bacillus etc supplements NLT 20000 Million CFU per 10 kg.

Dosage :

Stocking density
5-20 10
>20 25

Once in 15 days 5 Kgs/Acre

Or as advised by Aquaculture Specialist

Application :

Evenly distribute through out the pond.

Note: Dosage can be adjusted based on prevailing pond condition.
