
In a confined shrimp pond, gradual accumulation of unutilized feed, dead algae, fecal matter increases the organic load in the pond bottom. Accumulation of such waste absorbs all the available Oxygen, creating anaerobic conditions.

At the same time polluted pond bottom also triggers the release of toxic gases like Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Ammonia (NH3), Nitrite (NO2). Scientifically, these toxic gases when produced are very unstable in nature, but under anaerobic conditions the degree of stability increases. The level of toxicity increases further with increasing levels of pH in pond water. Oxyboost is an exellent solution to avoid above conditinons.


  • Oxyboost releases required amount of Oxygen and helps in restoring the pond bottom.
  • Controls white gut
  • Oxyboost is specially made for safe use in aquaculture.
  • Controls running mortality
  • Oxyboost relieves the shrimp of stress immediately.
  • Oxyboost checks the growth of anaerobic bacteria, protozoa and secondary pathogens like Bacculovirus.

Composition :

Specialty formulation consists of Tetraacetyl ethylene diamine, Sodium perborate, adsorbants and de-odorizers in suitable concentration.

Dosage :

500 gms/ha


For best results use Zeoclean-P before or aer Oxyboost usage. Dosage and applicaon can be adjusted based on conditions prevailing in pond or consult our field staff/your aquaculture specialist for specific usage and directions

Caution :

Highly hygroscopic, keep away from moisture and sunlight (should not be stored aer opening).
